Why 'T2CONbits.TOUTPS =4;' instead of '9' to get 2.048 msec delay interrupt

Submitted by lara on


It is a tutorilas where timer2 of pic16f887 with 20MHZ x-tal  is being used with following settings and remarks by author,

   T2CONbits.TOUTPS =4;   //postsacler is /10 so 204.8us * 10 to 2.048 ms   

  T2CONbits.T2CKPS = 1;                                                                 

With the above by author, 

For the case of //T2CONbits.T2CKPS = 1;   >>

FOSC/4(20/4=5MHZ ==0.2US), PS=1, ie., 1:4(datasheet), So, 0.2*4=0.8usec, as PR2 is FF on every reset

and then TMR2 and PR2 match>> at 0.8*256=204.8 usec.     Till here this is OK.

But for //T2CONbits.TOUTPS =4; >>

Author stating thet delay 2.048 msec (=204.8*10)

My question is >>

Why 'TOUTPS =4' ??? 

Its coming at '9' instead of '4' (as datasheet say 1:10 for the value of '9') to get 2.048 msesc delay 

Then only FLAG OF TMR2 AT (10*204.8)=2.048 msec.

May be I am missing some other things, could you help me out...
