Content of the 2nd line extract sim900a

Submitted by saj on

I am using sim900a GSM MODEM and PIC 16F877A in XC8 at 20MHZ external.

I receiving the content in the following function from ,

char _SIM900_getch()   
    if(OERR) // check for Error 
        CREN = 0; //If error -> Reset 
        CREN = 1; //If error -> Reset 
    while(!RCIF);  // hold the program till RX buffer is free
    return RCREG; //receive the value and send it to main function

All the command are working correctly..But now expecting to extract 2nd line only (ie, sms content) of the reply of the command "AT+CMGR=1", and which is as reply,


+CMGR: "REC UNREAD" ,"+919844444444","10/10/14,14:29:33+04"



My question is how do i jump to 2nd line and extract content of only SMS, to get compare with the function like //


for my further action.

Thanks in advance.


Since the content of the message willalways be in the 2nd line. You can simply use a for loop to read all the data from the Serial buffer and look for "/n" (ACSII value 13) when you receive this it means the message has reached 2nd line.

From there you can store whatever your read as a string and then use string compare just like you have done.

Hope this helps!!

  Joined May 19, 2015      213
Tuesday at 03:45 PM


Tnx for your reply..

I am trying to get call when "AT" command responded with "OK" but the code below not entering into "placing call".
I do not understand what i am getting wrong....



char gsm_response[20];

void _SIM900_print(unsigned const char *ptr) {
    while (*ptr != 0) {


//**Function to send one byte of data to UART**//
void _SIM900_putch(char bt)  
    while(!TXIF);  // hold the program till TX buffer is free
    TXREG = bt; //Load the transmitter buffer with the received value


//**Function to get one byte of date from UART**//
char _SIM900_getch()   
    if(OERR) // check for Error 
        CREN = 0; //If error -> Reset 
        CREN = 1; //If error -> Reset 
    while(!RCIF);  // hold the program till RX buffer is free
    return RCREG; //receive the value and send it to main function

void gsm_read_line(char *buffer)
   unsigned char rec_data;
   // Read the data until Line Feed character is received.
   do {
      rec_data = _SIM900_getch();
      *buffer++ = rec_data;
   } while (rec_data != '\0');   

void main(void)
    //I/O Declarations//
    TRISD = 0x00;  //LCD pins on port D as output
    Lcd_Start();   //Initialize LCD 
    Initialize_SIM900();//lets get our Serial ready for action               
/*Check if the SIM900 communication is successful*/

// Read the response.
// We should receive "OK" from the GSM modem.  // If we don't, display "Error".

    if (memcmp("OK", gsm_response, 2) != 0)
      Lcd_Print_String("'AT' Error!!!");
    else if (memcmp("OK", gsm_response, 2)==0) // checking whether received string is OK and if OK then dial to ph no.  
                                _SIM900_print("ATD0123456789;\r\n");  //Here we are placing a call to number 93643XXXXX
                                Lcd_Print_String("Placing Call....");




Will you please point out my mistake please...

  Joined September 28, 2018      26
Friday at 01:20 AM