help about the simulation project interfacing PIC16F877A with esp8266

Submitted by Jean Marck on

when I run the simulation nothing happens on the virtual me please

  Joined September 08, 2017      2
Friday at 11:14 AM

Since your LCD is working properly I assume that you were able to successfully compile the code and obtain the hex file.

The reason for your Virtual terminal to show nothing might be due to some wrong settings in with your baudrate or Crystal frequency.

Kindly check the following

1. Have you changed any parameters from the original code?

2. Ensure baudrate is set as 9600 in virtual terminal

3. The crystal frequency of both your external Crystal and your MCU both should be set as 20Mhz.

If it does not work still, try the simple USART program from here…

and check if your virtual terminal could display something 

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000
Tuesday at 12:29 AM

I tried with the simple usart program, it works very well

  Joined September 08, 2017      2
Friday at 11:14 AM

Hi Jean,


If the USART prgram is working then the problem should be with how you compiled the pogram. Did you make any changes to the code before actually compiling it?

Maybe I could share the hex file to corss check the same,if at all it might help!

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000
Tuesday at 12:29 AM

i am facing the same problem as well. instead of AT the virtual terminal display Ÿ. Never change the code, baudrate is set as 9600 in virtual terminal, crystal frequency of external Crystal and MCU both are set as 20Mhz. can you send the hex file ? 

tq :)

  Joined September 19, 2017      2
Tuesday at 09:38 AM

You can find the hex file from here.

Kindly let me know if this works, so that I can tail back to where the bug is. 




  Joined August 16, 2016      1000
Tuesday at 12:29 AM

tested but still unknown character displayed instead of AT. can you share the proteus file as well ? 

im planning to use an esp8266 (master) to start 4 pic timers interfacing with an esp8266 (slave) each at the same time wirelessly. may i know if esp8266 is capable of doing this task ?

appreciate your guidance ! 


  Joined September 19, 2017      2
Tuesday at 09:38 AM

hi, i have tried your project on proteus and it worked already. but when i build it it doesnt work, baudrate is 115200. i read articles saying that you need ot flash your esp8266 first to go into programming mode. do i need to do that? or i just connect and it should work already?

  Joined October 14, 2017      1
Saturday at 05:22 PM

Yes LYE,

Before you can interface PIC with ESP8266, you should make sure your ESP is functioning properly. You can check that by using it in simple AT command mode.

If the AT mode is working properly then you wont have to flash it. Else flashing is required

  Joined September 07, 2017      256
Thursday at 12:15 PM