Cell phone Signals --> LED

Building a simple circuit to pick up 3G and 4G cell phone signals and trigger LED's

This is not about gettting the INFORMATION of the signal, simply showing when there is a phone or phones reciving or sending texts and calls

I dont need a buzzer - just the LED part. any suggestions, what i have tried so far is not working.



Aswinth Raj

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000

Tuesday at 12:29 AM

That circuit should have worked for you purpose. You can simply remove the buzzer if you do not need the sound. 

This circuit is very much sensitive with the values of components. So make sure you have used the right values of capacitors and resistors. What problem are you getting?



In reply to by Aswinth Raj

  Joined June 29, 2017      5

Thursday at 07:04 AM

I believe that the RF shown in this video are lower than the ones i need to pick up in North America. Do you know how they got the value of the capacitors? and how it can be adjusted to pick up 1900-2200 mhz frequencies? I have been thinking maybe ill atatch https://www.adafruit.com/product/1991 into the circut??


How would I do this?





  Joined June 29, 2017      5

Thursday at 07:04 AM

Well I am waiting on one or two pieces. However, I think that the radio frequency used in this video, is not as high as they are in North america. Do you know how they got the value of the resistors? 

How can I adjust the parts to be suited for 1900-2200 Mhz?



Aswinth Raj

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000

Tuesday at 12:29 AM

Hi Jeanne,

Yes you are right the circuit that you shared was for 900-1800 Mhz. Make sure if your countries band is different from that by checking out this link below


If you are sure that your band is 1900-22000 Mhz you have vary the time constant of resistor R1 and R2 and C1 and C2. 

To make it work practically, you can replace the 100K (R2)  with a pot and try chaning the resistor to know at which range it picks up your mobile frequency.





  Joined June 29, 2017      5

Thursday at 07:04 AM

Thats wonderful!

How do I adjust the capacitors in relation to the resistors? Is there a formula or general rule? 


I really apprecitate your help!