Capacitors and slowly increasing brightness of bulb

Submitted by Samsonwit on

Given 2, 100 microF capacitors, AC or DC power source, any resistors, a switch, and a lamp (max voltage 5v). How do you make that lamp slowly power on to full brightness in 8-10 seconds. What would the circuit look like too?



  Joined November 11, 2020      1

Wednesday at 07:56 AM


Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

What kind of lamp? What is the specification of the power source?


Michal Podmanický

  Joined November 06, 2020      64

Friday at 08:06 PM

I would propose circuit like this:

(simply and enough for your purpose)



Of course its a draft, you have to pick right power transistor according wattage of your light. Also ensure enough base current to fully open the transistor (after C charged) but not too much to force the Led current too fast, so choose the correct base resistor.