Problem uploading to board. See for suggestions

Submitted by Abhimanyu on

Hi. i am using arduino UNO for my project. I am doing a project on LCD interfacing with Arduino UNO. My operating system is Windows10. while upoading the arduino sketch to my arduino UNO board i get the following error: 

avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\\.\COM14": Access is denied.
Problem uploading to board.  See for suggestions.

I went to the arduino site but i got no solution the above error. I was able to program my arduino uno with same sketch while ago but i have started receiving the above error. can you please tell me the possible reason for this error. 


Abhimanyu Pandit

  Joined January 21, 2019      42

Monday at 12:12 PM

okay so this happens with the windows10 OS only. The problem here is with your serial monitor. In windows, if you  try to upload the program while the serial monitor open, you cannot upload any sketch from that COM port.

So check if your serialmonitor with same port is open in some other arduino window. If it is open then close the serial monitor and then try uploading the sketch again. 

also note that this happens only when you try to do two things at the same port like you want to upload sketch and also you want to open serial monitor. 

it is possible to run multiple COM port serial monitor in multiple windows but with different PORT selection. 

ultimately for your problem try to check if the serial monitor with same port is open in some other window. 



Muhammad Umar

  Joined April 09, 2020      55

Thursday at 02:40 PM

Several times, while working on arduino, I faced same Issue, because I clicked on the serial monitor icon on arduino IDE, I got this same error during compilation and upload especially while started uploading. I think you clicked on the serial monitor icon during uploading code, and then you got this error. Just leave your IDE and OS to compile and upload the sketch. Similarly if there is an issue with the already opened serial monitor at same COM port, with which arduino is connected, then I recommend you to close that window and after that upload your sketch. Here I would like to recommend you to contact the SSLA technical support team for getting better assistance in your project issues.


Technical Shahzad

  Joined May 23, 2020      47

Saturday at 02:49 PM

Several times, while working on the arduino, I faced the same Issue, because I clicked on the serial monitor icon on the arduino IDE, I got this same error during compilation and upload especially while I started uploading. I think you clicked on the serial monitor icon during uploading code, and then you got this error. Just leave your IDE and OS to compile and upload the sketch. Similarly if there is an issue with the already opened serial monitor at the same COM port, with which the arduino is connected, then I recommend you to close that window and after that upload your sketch. Here I would like to recommend you to contact the Sierra Software Ltd. technical support team for getting better assistance in your project issues.