electricity meter reading using ir and android mobile

Submitted by B P Rao on

Dear Sir,

I wish to build a small portable instrument using arduino microcontroller and android smart phones. The basic idea is that the AMR meters installed at the consumers houses are emitting the meter reading and other data using IR blasters. I wish to catch the data emitted by the smart meters on my smart phone. To achieve this object, I have to build a portable instruments with IR scanner to catch the signals emitter by the meters. The data recorded in the proposed instruments has to be transferred to my smart phone using either charging port or sound jackets.  I have to use the meter reading to generate electricity bills on the sport so that the same can be deliver to the consumers.  Can any body held me in this project.

with regards,




  Joined May 19, 2015      213

Tuesday at 03:45 PM

Hi BP Rao, welcome to Circuit Digest forums 

For you project you will need to build a circuit which could tap in to an existing energy meter and read the units consumed by the consumer or build you own energy meter. However, once you have read the unit consumed you can then send it to the user mobile.

There are many efficient methods to do this other than using a IR blaster, if you use IR blaster the range will be less and you have to build additional piece of circuit for the mobile to receive data. Instead you can use Bluetooth or GSM (text messages) to send these data to user mobile without any additional hardware. 

You might have to read through the below article as it is very similar to your idea
