i tried many times to download easy scan app with the link you havegiven i.e., Download Easy Scan Android Application and Easy Scan Android application on Github but i could not download easy scan app in my nokia 3.2 android phone.
i donot understand what is apk file
please help me sirs
i am new to this
i thank you sir for your valuable replay .i will try to download apk file in my phone and contact you sir.
Reference to the project I have made circuit.
I have upload the programme on Arduino nano.
In serial Monitor it prints:- as given below:-
Noise + Signal = 514
Noise =512
--> Signal =-2
Noise + Signal = 490
Noise =489
--> Signal =-1
Noise + Signal = 474
Noise =473
--> Signal =-1
I have tried with keeping my hand near the same.
It gives the resuls and print temperature changes , but also print: position_error.
--> Signal =-1
32.4 hand away results
Noise + Signal = 361
Noise =361
--> Signal =0
33.6 hand away results
Noise + Signal = 361
Noise =361
--> Signal =0
35.2 hand near results
Noise + Signal = 361
Noise =360
--> Signal =-1
36.0 hand near results
Also connected with OTG cables on my mobile.
Easy Scan App started but not showing any input temperature.
Could you please help us where am I wrong?
Sincerely Yours,
Jignesh Dharia
In reply to serial print and mobile app by JIGNESH DHARIA
The serial monitor will show position error until you have placed your hand near to the sensor.
If you still get position error after placing the hand close then your IR sensor is not working correctly.
From the above result, you have shared I can see that you are getting the same values for noise and noise + signal. this means your IR sensor is not getting triggered correctly. You can have to debug your circuit and find where you are wrong
As you can see your noise+signal values are not changing even if you are placing your hand near
the sensor, this clearly means you have something wrong with IR sensor part
Sourav Gupta
Joined February 12, 2018 696Monday at 02:11 PM
The above link is the apk application link that is needs to be installed in you phone.
Whereas, the GitHub link is the source file of the application written in Java and kotlin, that is not required for your phn but it is required for those who want to develop or want to change the application as per there needs.
Download the apk and install it.
1. Make sure you are downloading as .apk file.
2. Your phone is allready configured to install third party applications out of the play Store.