Been working on a project using 4 channel 433mhz rf transmitter and receiver. All well and good.
But now needing to add exrea items to a magic progect, pushing 2 button indescreatly is fine, any more not too good.
But by sounds of it going down the Arduino Uno route be way to go, which push of 1 button can activate numerous attachments, say start a motor then turn off in say10, LED diode to come on then flicker turn off etc?
As say just been looking on other ideas than using what have been.
Any help much appreciated...
You have the idea on what my objective has been regarding the wiring diagram for the mofset setup, from my magic prop.?
Would love to show you the 3 projects i am workingon, but only allowed pictures on here.
This is only for activating 2 devices using a 2 channel 433mhz transmitter and receiver ok?1 button on the transmitter is hidden under a table, using thumb 1 button is pressed a few times for 1 of the effects. then the 2nd is pressed once with thumb for the next effect. Thats all well and good, can sort of be hidden from the spectator.
Now onto another project using same peinciple, but needs 2 buttons on a 4 channel transmitter to be pressed numerous times. Then activating 2 other attachments numerous times, this is then more difficult to cover from spectators, that you are doing something with thumbs.
Hope that clears that stage up? as per pics attched.
So my thoughts now is to introduce the Arduino uno. If press 1 button then could activate the same attachments, like an electromagnet and led diode to be activated to switch on and off in a timed manner? So i can be hands free?
If this can be deone, but still using the mosfets rather thyan a relay, ( so unable to hear the click switching)
Any help in the parts i would need regarding the Arduino, as there is so much out there.
I again be forever in ones debt..
In reply to So Sorry Debashis by BLmagic
Ya! I remember the objective of your project.
So, just to be clear, you want to make a circuit which turns on/off two application with a certain time delay in between. using mosfet Arduino and a 433MHz RF link of course. And you need a schematic and the code to do so. did i got that right?
Looking at 4 or 5 applications, so been up most night looking into it. Arduino.cc web site for the codings.
Thank you :-)
Ya I can help with that. I will post a link with the necessary schematic and code.
Cannot thank you enough. Forever in your debt.
Dont know what his would mean for me..
Thank you so much...
I have shared the circuit diagram. please do the necessary as shown in the diagram. i wll share the link for the code shortly.
Again cant thank you enough, as said numerous times for your help and patience.
Just looking up snd figuring the parts required, Will take some time and patience, as this is alien to me, and trying to grasp the basic fundementals, trying to show little respect into figuring out.. Its easy for some one to ask then get some one else to do all the work, dont learn nothing this way.
Kindest regards to you...
Debashis Das appreciate the schematic, as say just trying to figure the basics, sort of geting
the idea, and how code works as say jus basic. With the 2 schematics, assume using 2 uno`s?
What i was looking at. id setting up an arduino, to say have 2 solenoids, electromagnet, and a LED diode, programed to function depending on timings set in the sketch.
Would be better using the mosfet driver one for each solenoid and electromanet, rather than just mosfet? Items are in the diagram below???
Again thank you...
As can purchase the kit IR receiver and transmitter that should be paired. Just so can press 1 button and then would start the UNo equipment depending on the timing of each item connected in the sketch program.
Also the understanding, electromagnets to be connected to the tild port on the Uno.
but adding in 1 schematic. Heads in bits. If right this is a simple connection for 1 motor. sorry for crude drawing.??
What kind of IR receiver Sensor did you purchased? in the schematic you also need to connect a diode 1N5819 just to be in the safe side.
Can you also provide any generalized routine of how the code should work. an example would be like
Start -> Transmitter Button Press -> Receiver side PIN X high -> wait 30S -> Turn PIN off -> wait 10S -> turn PINY ON...........
The Ir was on drawing board idea, but would more complex? so ponders the thought may go with a reed or tilt switch that would start the Uno in its program mode?
Regarding the above drawing, just sort of got head round how works, attaching one item, but then just repeat for others? to the tilde input on the uno(pin3,5,6,10&11). Understand may require diodes and such, that far not got as yet on placement, (still reading up)
Have not purchased any parts as yet as figuring what will work best without blowing me or the unit up :-) Not had much sucsess regarding just using mosfet and diode, even with the schematic from ealier incorporating diodes on drain and sorce, hence using this mosfet driver?
Plenty of resources on youtube adding LED diode.
Regarding the coding sketch.Timings are just going to be trial and error, till actually built, depending the time on how long presentation will last. Can be easily altered in the program, by what read up. yea right :-)
Ok what i will be using is 1x electromagnet P 40/20: 8W, 3x Push-Pull Open Frame Solenoids, DC 12v @ 300mA, 1x10mm 3v LED diode.
What i love to achieve.
(Again timings will be trial and error) If right according to the programming 1 second =1000?
1. LED turns on: set high 10000, needing LED to look like flichers so high and lows will be 150,200? for 10000. Then high 10000. Then Off (LED on 10sec, flicker effect 10sec, on 10 seconds, then off)
2. solenoid 1 extends extracts, as led starts to flicker, like wise with solenoid 2
3. Other solenoid will extract retract quite fast for (as with flickering effect on LED) 10 secs.
4. the electromagnet solenoid, will activate momentary pulses through out at step 2.
All this for a 30 second bit of animation But the effect is well worth it.
Hope this makes sense, and acheivable??
Again cannot thank you enough, for all the help.
Debashis Das
Joined December 02, 2019 117Monday at 10:02 PM
I did not got your question? can you please be a little specific about the objective