Automatic Gear Transmission For Geared Bikes
2923 2
Hemant Patil

Automatic Gear Transmission For Geared Bikes

The following study is about the automatic Transmission for the geared bikes. In today’s...


The following study is about the automatic Transmission for the geared bikes. In today’s technology the automation has become an important part in the Automobile industry. But it is not that much efficient and cost effective. So in this study we have designed, constructed and discussed about the automatic transmission in the geared bikes. The study basically focus on the handicapped and the persons with disability (like small height, no legs, etc.) wants to ride the bikes like Bullets and light motor vehicles. This paper aims and focuses on the improvement of the gear shifting in the bikes and also implements the neutral concept while slowing down the bike i.e. while downshifting. The main motive of the project is to design and fabricate an automatic geared bikes for the handicapped (like small height, no legs etc. ) peoples who loves to ride the bikes and for those who want to drive the bikes but not loves the gear shifting. The aim is to develop an automatic transmission system which shifts the gear with respect to the speed of the wheel. Simplifying the transmission and improving the fuel economy is the major objectives of our project. This technology is implemented in an auto-clutch sports bike which shifts the gears to eliminate the human interference and results in easy driving. The automation can be achieved by the embedded system. Embedded system is a special purpose computer system. Embedded system is preferable because it can reduce the number of electrical components and probability of system failure. In this project the Arduino UNO has been used which has an Atmel IC Atmega 328. This IC is programmed by the Arduino IDE. The present automatic transmission is fully mechanically controlled and costs very high. In this study, a gear shifting mechanism was designed and applied to make the shifting process faster and less destructible for the driver. The new device must be reliable, has a small dimensions, low construction and maintenance cost.

Project Used Hardware

Automatic Gear Hardware

Proximity sensor , Wheel and motor , Servo motor ,A I’d card holder , Arduino , LCD 16*2 ,Potentiometer *2 (First for preset for intensity control of LCD and anoter one is for motor speed control.) ,Jumper wires ,9 v battery

Project Used Software

Arduino Ide

Project Hardware Software Selection

The project contains 3 main parts:- 1] The speed sensing unit 2] The processing unit 3] The punching unit The speed sensing unit:- The speed sensing will sense the speed and give the signal to the microcontroller that the speed is high or low in accordance with the speed the gear shifting will take place. Suppose the gear is shifting from 2nd to 3rd gear then the microcontroller will give signal to the servo to stretch the clutch and will give the signal to the actuator to shift up the gear and then release the clutch. When the speed will be 0 at that time the gear will be at 1st. Suppose if the speed goes greater then10kmph then the 2nd gear will be punched and so on. Also the vice versa of it

Circuit Diagram

Automatic Gear Circuit Diagram

1. The aped sensor gives the speed parameter to the Arduino (control unit) in the form of pulses. 2. The Arduino will process this speed variable and it will signal the actuator or rack and pinion to shift the gears in up or down. 3. The electric throttle will give the acceleration input which will be directly proportional to the servo motor servo 1 connected to the accelerator wire. 4. When the gear is to be shifted the servo motor servo 2 connected to the clutch wire will be stretched and the acceleration will be made zero by disabling the servo1 for smooth transmission for gears. By using this phenomenon the gear shifting for the bikes or two wheelers will become easier, effective and fuel saving.




Servo GearShift;
float mps;
float diameter = 0.93;
int sensor = 2;
volatile int counter;
unsigned int x, rpm;
unsigned long passedtime;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(sensor, INPUT);
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:  
  rpm= 12*counter;
  passedtime= millis();
  Serial.print("\t RPM= \t");
  mps= 3.14159*diameter*rpm/60;
  Serial.print("\t SPEED= ");
      case 0:
      case 12:
      case 24:
      case 36:
void isr()
void shiftUP()
void shiftDOWN()