audio amplifier

Wireless Audio Transfer Using LASER Light Wireless Audio Transfer Using LASER Light

In this article, we are going to discuss how to transfer audio through laser light. This is a fun little project and…

DIY Bluetooth Audio Amplifier A Simple DIY Bluetooth Audio Player using Wireless Hi-Fi Amplifier Module

The Bluetooth Amplifier Module is useful for DIY projects for creative and hobbyists. The…

DIY Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Simple DIY Wireless Bluetooth Speakers using Audio Amplifier

For those who love tinkering with electronics, making a Bluetooth speaker from scratch can…

DIY FM Receiver Circuit Simple DIY FM Receiver Circuits on the Internet - Do they Really Work?

Recently we thought of building a simple FM receiver circuit, so like always we started googling for possible circuits…

Arduino Based Digital Cracker Build Digital Cracker using Arduino and JQ6500 MP3 Module

As the winter season approaches, comes the festival of lights in INDIA. Yes, we are talking about Diwali, known for…

Arduino Voice Recorder for Spy Bug Voice Recording Simple Arduino Voice Recorder for Spy Bug Voice Recording

Planning to buy a small voice recorder to record voices or sounds in an environment and store them in its memory? Think again!…

Digital Input Automotive Quad Power Amplifier Digital Input Automotive Quad Power Amplifier Combines High-Definition Sound with Class-G Efficiency

STMicroelectronics has introduced the TDA7901 automotive amplifier which is a single-chip quad-bridge amplifier in advanced BCD…

TDA2822 Stereo Audio Amplifier Build a Simple Stereo Audio Amplifier Board using TDA2822

An audio amplifier is an Electronic circuit that amplifies low-power audio signals to a level suitable for driving Loudspeaker…

TDA7294 Based 170W High Power Audio Amplifier Design a TDA7294 IC Based 170W High Power Audio Amplifier

The TDA7294 IC is a popular sound amplifier IC with low cost that has a ton of power handling capacity, 100W to be exact. For…

Arduino Based Walkie Talkie using nRF24L01 Long Range Arduino Based Walkie Talkie using nRF24L01

We are living in the era of 5G and 5G-enabled devices; however, old technologies like the walkie-talkie system and RF…