
Line Follower Robot Using AVR Microcontroller ATmega16 Line Follower Robot using AVR Microcontroller ATmega16

Here we will be building yet another project with AVR Atmega16 Microcontroller. If you are new to AVR microcontrollers then you…

Interfacing Stepper Motor with AVR Microcontroller Atmega16 using ULN2003 Interfacing Stepper Motor with AVR Microcontroller Atmega16

Stepper Motors are DC brushless motors which can rotate from 00 to 3600 in steps. Stepper motor uses electronic signals to…

ARM7-LPC2148 Stepper Motor Control Tutorial Interfacing Stepper Motor with ARM7-LPC2148

In today’s automation world stepper motor and servo motor are two most commonly used motors in embedded systems. Both are used…

Interfacing Stepper Motor with STM32F103C8 (Blue Pill) Interfacing Stepper Motor with STM32F103C8

Stepper motor is brushless DC motor, which can be rotated in small angles, these angles are called steps. Generally stepper…

Pulse width Modulation (PWM) in STM32F103C8: Controlling Speed of DC Fan Pulse width Modulation (PWM) in STM32F103C8: Controlling Speed of DC Fan

In previous article we have seen about ADC conversion using STM32. In this tutorial, we will learn about PWM (Pulse Width…