Schmitt Trigger

Designing a Schmitt Trigger using Op-Amp Implementing Schmitt Triggers using Op-Amp

One of the main applications for Schmitt triggers is interfacing signals between Analog electronics and Digital electronics,…

Bistable Multivibrator using Op-Amp Design and Build a Simple Bistable Multivibrator Circuit Using Op-amp

The bistable multivibrator is one of those basic circuits which you might have learnt about in your high school or college, and…

Arduino Frequency Counter Tutorial Frequency Counter using Arduino

Almost every electronic hobbyist must have faced a scenario where he or she must measure the frequency of signal generated by a…

Arduino Capacitance Meter Capacitance Meter using Arduino

When we come across circuit boards which are previously designed or we take out one from old TV or computer, in attempt to…

Schmitt Trigger Gate Circuit Schmitt Trigger Gate

Schmitt Trigger gate is a digital logic gate, designed for arithmetic and logical operations. It provides OUTPUT based on INPUT…