arduino uno

Password based Digital Keypad Security Door Lock using Arduino Digital Keypad Security Door Lock using Arduino

Often times, we need to secure a room at our home or office (perhaps a secret dexter’s laboratory) so that no one can access…

Coin Sorting Machine using Arduino Coin Sorting Machine using Arduino

We previously built an Arduino based paper currency counting machine using a color sensor. Now in this project we are building…

Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino Smart Restaurant Menu Ordering System using Arduino

Now day’s automation systems are everywhere whether its home, office or any big industry, all are equipped with automation…

Buzz Wire Game with an Arduino Make a Buzz Wire Game with an Arduino

Arduino is very popular for building hobby projects and games, and we have previously used Arduino to build Snake game, Ping…

AC Fan Speed Control using Arduino and TRIAC AC Fan Speed Control using Arduino and TRIAC

WARNING!! The circuit diagram discussed in this project is only for educational purposes. Be advised that working with 220V AC…

Arduino Solenoid Door Lock using RFID Arduino Solenoid Door Lock using RFID

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an inexpensive and accessible technology. It can be used in many applications such as…

Interfacing ADXL345 Accelerometer with Arduino UNO Interfacing ADXL345 Accelerometer with Arduino UNO

We all know about accelerometer and gyroscope, they are primarily used to detect acceleration. While Accelerometer can measure…

DIY Rain Detector using Arduino and Rain Sensor Rain Detection System using Arduino and Rain Sensor

A simple Rain Detection System can be easily built by interfacing an Arduino with Rain Sensor. The sensor will detect any…

BMP280 Pressure Sensor Module Interfacing with Arduino How to Interface BMP280 Pressure Sensor Module with Arduino

If you want to build your own temperature monitoring system or to measure the altitude of your drone or simply want to measure…

Wireless Doorbell using Arduino and RF Module Wireless Doorbell using Arduino and RF Module

We all know of the wired doorbell systems which require wires and suitable outlets for it to work satisfactorily. As the wired…