Design and Fabrication of Robotic Gripper by Using Compliant Mechanism
3581 9
Manickavasagam Kathiresan

Design and Fabrication of Robotic Gripper by Using Compliant Mechanism

Advances in grippers offer incredible benefits for manufacturers in precision, performance, and...


Advances in grippers offer incredible benefits for manufacturers in precision, performance, and productivity. Manufacturers can use this end-effector tooling for picking, placing, or packing objects. Grippers can handle hazardous materials without a safety risk to employees and can also take over repetitive tasks that may cause a repetitive strain injury. There are a wide variety of grippers on the market to suit different applications. One of the most basic forms is a parallel motion two-jaw gripper, which is commonly used for lifting objects. However, there are a number of different designs including bellows grippers, O-ring grippers, and needle grippers. As well as their physical structure, grippers can vary in how they are powered, as they can be hydraulic, pneumatic, or electric. Despite the number of grippers available on the market, there are still many tasks that are difficult for robots to accomplish and that design engineers can consider when developing this technology. For instance, typical industrial grippers were designed to be task-specific, which means they are not particularly versatile, and this could hinder their wider application.

Project Used Hardware

Robotic Gripper Hardware

Servomotor, Ball bearing, Acrylic Sheet material, jumping wires, LCD display panel, adopter 12volt, Printed circuit board.

Project Used Software

Solid Works, Solid work visualise.

Project Hardware software selection

Software selection Printed circuit board: it's easy to program in, and it has many libraries. Hardware selection Servomotor:. Operating voltage-4.8Volts  Maximum Angle -180’  Operating speed –0.11sec/60 Printed circuit board: Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, tracks, or signal traces etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive Adopter:12 Volt 1 Amp Power Adapter takes an AC INPUT of 100-240V and gives 12V 1A DC output. 12 Volt DC 1 Amp power supply is suitable for powering a wide range of applications including CCTV cameras, wireless routers, Robotics, and DIY kits.

Circuit Diagram

Robotic Gripper Circuit Diagram

A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks.
