Light Intensity

Auto Intensity Control of Power LED using Arduino Auto Intensity Control of Power LED using Arduino

“Be a bright spark, lights off till it’s dark!” sometimes we forget to turn off the lights and waste electricity and you must…

Arduino Color Mixing Lamp using RGB and LDR Arduino Color Mixing Lamp using RGB LED and LDR

What if we can generate different colors using a single RGB led and make our room’s corner more attractive? So, here is a…

Arduino Light Sensor Circuit using LDR Arduino Light Sensor Circuit using LDR

We all want our home appliances to be controlled automatically based on some conditions and that's called Home automation.…

Light Intensity Measurement using LDR and ATmega8 Microcontroller Light Intensity Measurement using LDR and AVR Microcontroller

In this project we are going to interface LDR with ATMEGA8 microcontroller, and with this we can measure LIGHT INTENSITY in the…