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How to make a smart irrigation system with Arduino UNO R4 WIFI board | Arduino Cloud with Arduino
Arduino UNO R4 WiFi

Creating a smart irrigation system with an Arduino UNO R4 WIFI board and integrating it with the Arduino Cloud involves several steps. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you through the process.

Components Needed
Arduino UNO R4 WIFI board
Soil moisture sensor
Water pump
Relay module
Connecting wires
Power supply for the pump
Step 1: Hardware Setup
Connect the Soil Moisture Sensor:

VCC to 5V on Arduino
GND to GND on Arduino
Analog output (A0) to A0 on Arduino
Connect the Relay Module:

VCC to 5V on Arduino
GND to GND on Arduino
IN to digital pin 7 on Arduino
Connect the Water Pump:

The pump's positive terminal to the relay's NO (Normally Open) terminal
The pump's negative terminal to the relay's COM (Common) terminal
The relay's VCC and GND to a power supply matching the pump's voltage requirements
Step 2: Arduino Cloud Setup
Create an Arduino Account: If you don’t already have one, create an account on Arduino Cloud.

Add a Device:

Go to the Arduino Cloud, and under the Devices tab, click "Add Device".
Follow the instructions to add your Arduino UNO R4 WIFI board.
Create a Thing:

Go to the Things tab and create a new Thing.
Add a variable for the soil moisture level (e.g., moistureLevel of type int).
Add another variable for the pump status (e.g., pumpStatus of type boolean).
Step 3: Arduino Sketch
Create a sketch that reads the soil moisture sensor value and controls the water pump based on the moisture level. This sketch will also communicate with the Arduino Cloud.

Step 4: Upload the Sketch
Upload the Sketch: Connect your Arduino UNO R4 WIFI to your computer and upload the sketch using the Arduino IDE.
Monitor the Serial Output: Open the Serial Monitor to see the moisture level readings and the pump status.
Step 5: Arduino Cloud Dashboard
Create a Dashboard: In the Arduino Cloud, create a new dashboard.
Add Widgets: Add widgets to display the soil moisture level and pump status. You can also add a control to manually override the pump.
Additional Notes
Wi-Fi Credentials: Replace SSID and PASS in the sketch with your Wi-Fi credentials.
Threshold Adjustment: Adjust the threshold value (300 in the example) according to your soil moisture sensor's readings and your plant's requirements.
This setup allows you to monitor and control your irrigation system remotely using the Arduino Cloud. You can further enhance it by adding more sensors or controls as needed.