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Industrial Energy Monitoring Gateway
Arduino UNO R4 WiFi

Modbus is a widely used industrial protocol. This protocol is used in almost all industries in some form or another.

This project will include developing a process for getting information from the energy meters using the RS485 Modbus protocol. I will also show how to get data using RS485 to USB Modscan and the Simply Modbus application. The data acquisition will be done using an RS485 module connected over UART and once the data is received, it will be sent to Arduino IoT Cloud for monitoring.

This is just the first step in making a system that gives you information on the energy consumed, load, current, and so on. This can be further used to generate reports and alerts.

Adding an extra to my project will include - Temperature Monitoring. Usually in the industry whenever there are energy meters they are connected in a chamber which heats a lot. To prevent overheating temperature sensors are connected to the gateway and temperature is monitored.