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|| B.Tech | MAIT'22 || Freelancer
|| Rnd in Embedded System Development ||
|| End2End H/W and S/W ||
|| Idea-->Design-->Develop( )-->Debug( ) ||
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Maixduino Kit for AI+IoT

Problem Faced:- My best friend is an electrician and I often go with him to do repairs and house wiring.
Whenever we go for visit, a very big problem that we have to face is the problem of electricity bill between the house owner
and the tenant. The tenant says that we did not use so much electricity then how did the electricity bill come to be so high and
the house owner says that how do we know why your bill is so high but whatever bill has come, you will have to pay it.
And this fight continues from the 1st to 7th of every month.

As an embedded engineer it is my duty to solve a problem through your platform (CircuitDigest and sponsored by DigiKey) and also contribute to the society.

IDEA :- Want to make such an electric meter which is completely smart and uses artificial intelligence in it.
A smart electric meter which will be connected wirelessly and will continuously record data and electricity consumption and will also
show all the data to the user through an app or on web Page.
The input will be filled through the app itself according to your daily electric consumption(eg. Number of appliances and Rooms etc).
All types of indications will also be provided so that the limit can be set by the user(eg. Daily limit and as Required).
After installing the meter, you can connect to WiFi through the meter with respected app or web page with Admin credentials.
Once connected to the app, the home owner and tenant can login with their respective user IDs.
After logging in, the user(owner/tenant) can see all the parameters through the Smart Meter.
The data of all parameters will also be saved on the server(as Data logger) so that the user can see the record of his live electricity
consumption at any time and match it according to his consumption.
After logging in, the user can see all the parameters through the meter. The data of all parameters will also be saved on the server so that
the user can see the record of his electricity consumption at any time and match it according to his consumption.

H/W will use:- Maixduino Kit For Al+lot as main Motherboard, 16X2 AlphaNumeric LCD for display on Meter, CT used for total Current Consumption Detection, Voltage Regulators For d/f Modules, Self Designed pcb on Kicad, 3mm leds For indication, JumperWires and Connectors etc.
DATA will be show live on Local IP(further will be showing on android and ios based API's) and Saved on Local Servers.(Printable)

This initiative can have a good impact on those who are facing such problems every month and with time we will keep trying to make this
technology even better.