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I’m Dinesh R, a dedicated student passionate about AI and Computer Vision.
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Automated Supermarket Billing System
MAX78000 Feather Board

Automated Supermarket Billing System:
To create an AI-powered billing system that revolutionizes supermarket checkout by automatically detecting items and calculating the bill in real-time using camera. This system uses the MAX78000 Feather Board to harness the power of edge AI, providing a seamless and efficient shopping experience.

Key Features:
1. Real-Time Object Detection: Instantly identifies products as customers pick them up.
2. Automatic Price Calculation: Adds items to the bill as they are detected, with no manual input required.
3. User-Friendly Interface: A touchscreen display shows the running total and item details.
4. Data Logging: Tracks transactions for inventory management and analytics.

1. Development Board: MAX78000 Feather Board
ARM Cortex-M4 processor.
Onboard CNN hardware accelerator.
Suitable for low-power AI edge applications.
2. Camera Module: Arducam Mini 2MP Plus OV2640
2MP resolution.
Supports JPEG compression.
Compatible with SPI interface.
This innovative system eliminates checkout lines, enhances customer convenience, and optimizes store operations, setting a new standard for retail technology.