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Hi am Kavinesar.I am a person who is Interested a lot in tech and projects being a high school graduate , I have won many competitions by making prototype of a working satellite.
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Brain wave computation
Maixduino Kit for AI+IoT

In this project I would be able to control devices using brain computation by using SIPEED MAIXDUINO KIT and by using BIOAMP EXG PILL by converting the brain signals into digital signals from the brain and these signals are sent to the microcontroller and this microcontroller transmits data to the other microcontroller board by using master and slave operation .

Key features :
Since this uses master slave operation various relays could be connected to it thus lights could be controlled using our brain .Since this kit has a camera in it we could use it for the security purpose of our device and the display could be used for the graphical representation of our project.


It could be used for gardening purpose when we are in out of station (if it is made in WAN connection),
Access computers using brain waves ,
Produce IR signals using Brian waves,
Home automation by Mind control,
This could be used as an HID device to control our computer and it could control other electronic gadgets using relays .

Thank you