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I am fascinated by huge projects and i love to use new dev boards with different capabilities
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Robotic hand with personal Ai assistant on Oni-Directional Car
Maixduino Kit for AI+IoT

Firstly, I am going to connect the cam and then use a motor driver to power the servos which will be attached on the 3d printed parts. Then I am going to use a separate esp32 dev module as a personal AI assistant which will be connected to the sipeed maixduino and the speaker module will also be used in this .It can also answer some common questions like "who is the PM of India".

Firstly, we will say a voice command like "Pick up a ball" then the dev board will move the base servo to find the object ball, once it finds that, it will command the servo to pick it up and the speaker will say "ball picked up". Then we could say "Keep the ball" or "Place the ball" or we can control the servos manually through Wi-Fi. We can also ask questions like multiplication or some general questions.

It is definitely useful for the manufacturing industry and Also in the ISS (international Space Station). Once we train the cam using Machine learning the cam will be able to perform various complicated tasks and identify the errors significantly. It is a project which is definitly able to control various other machines.

After all this I will attach this setup on Omni-Directional Car
Components are Arduino Uno ,Motor driver shield, BO motors,HC-05,Omni-Directional Wheels. and it will be BLE controlled thru mobile phone. This can be used to move the robotic arm from one place to another.