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Passionate about innovating in robotics and conducting experiments, I have a strong interest in integrating AI with electronics.
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AI Sentinel Assistant : Human-Friendly Assistant with AI Security and Object Handling System
Maixduino Kit for AI+IoT

In this project, I will develop a robotic assistant equipped with a camera and ultrasonic sensor to navigate through rooms and perform tasks. The robot will rely on a laptop for processing, serving as an external processor to handle all computational tasks. This approach allows for more powerful processing capabilities and flexibility in software development. The robot will be integrated with a PC-based software that provides a necessary graphical user interface (GUI) for control and monitoring.

The robot will incorporate the following key functionalities:

OpenCV Features: Utilizing the OpenCV library for various computer vision tasks, such as image processing and analysis, to enhance the robot's perception and interaction with its environment.

Self-driving/Learning: Implementing algorithms for autonomous navigation and machine learning to enable the robot to learn from its environment and improve its navigation and task performance over time.

Object Detection: Equipping the robot with object detection capabilities to identify and interact with various objects within its operational environment, facilitating tasks like picking up items or avoiding obstacles.

Body Tracking: Integrating body tracking features to monitor and respond to human movements, enhancing the robot's ability to interact with users in a dynamic and intuitive manner.

Face Detection: Incorporating face detection technology to recognize and track human faces, enabling personalized interactions and improving the robot's ability to assist users.

One of the key tasks the robot will be able to perform is fetching objects upon request. For instance, if the user asks for a screwdriver, the robot will search the room for the screwdriver using its object detection capabilities, navigate to the location of the screwdriver, pick it up, and deliver it to the user.

Overall, this project aims to create a versatile and intelligent robotic assistant that leverages advanced computer vision and machine learning techniques to navigate and perform tasks efficiently, while providing a user-friendly interface for control and interaction.