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Edge AI-Powered Smart Traffic Light System
MAX78000 Feather Board

Using the MAX78000 Feather Board, an Edge AI-Powered Smart Traffic Light System may be built by training a traffic pattern recognition model, configuring hardware, creating firmware, and testing the system. The objective is to optimize traffic flow and improve safety by making assessments in real-time at intersections based on the traffic situation at that moment.
Using gathered video footage, we must first train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify traffic density levels (low, medium, and high). Next, use the MAX78000 SDK to translate and optimize the trained model before deploying it on the MAX78000 Feather Board.
After that we will integrate the MAX78000 Feather Board with a camera module and the traffic light control system. The camera captures real-time video feeds, while the board processes these feeds using the deployed model.