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IoT Water pollution Monitoring in Rivers and Lakes using RFsignal-controlled RC Boat
Arduino UNO R4 WiFi

The proposed system designs a solution for easy water quality checking of vast water bodies with ease. This RC water pollution monitor boat allows for recording water quality data .

Water quality plays a very important part in the health of animals and human beings. Lakes and reservoirs, canals are one of the major sources of drinking water. These parameters typically include physical characteristics like temperature, color, and turbidity, which affect how water looks and feels. Chemical aspects involve measuring pH, which indicates acidity or alkalinity, and concentrations of substances such as dissolved oxygen, which is crucial for aquatic life, and pollutants like heavy metals or nutrients that could lead to contamination. Biological parameters, such as the presence of bacteria or pathogens, are essential for determining water safety for consumption and recreational use. Overall, these parameters help ensure that water is suitable for its intended use, whether it's for drinking, agriculture, or supporting ecosystems.

Water quality based on above parameters:

Good water quality is characterized by clear, colorless water with low turbidity and a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. Dissolved oxygen levels should be above 6 mg/L, indicating a healthy environment for aquatic life. Contaminant levels, including heavy metals and nutrients, should be minimal, and biological indicators like total coliforms and E. coli should be non-detectable. Such water is ideal for drinking, industrial processes, and recreational activities, ensuring safety and effectiveness across these applications.

Average water quality features slightly turbid or discolored water and a pH that may be just outside the optimal range, typically between 6.0-6.4 or 8.6-9.0. Dissolved oxygen levels may be between 4-6 mg/L, which can still support some aquatic life but may stress certain species. Nutrient levels might be moderate, potentially affecting water quality over time. Biological indicators might show the presence of some coliforms or low levels of E. coli, but generally not at levels that pose immediate health risks. This quality of water might be acceptable for irrigation and recreational use with appropriate treatment but may require further monitoring for drinking purposes.

Bad water quality is marked by high turbidity, noticeable discoloration, and extreme pH levels outside the range of 6.0-9.0, indicating potential contamination. Dissolved oxygen levels below 4 mg/L suggest poor water quality, which can harm aquatic life. High levels of nutrients lead to problems such as algal blooms and eutrophication, while elevated concentrations of contaminants and biological indicators like high E. coli levels pose significant health risks. Such water is generally unsuitable for drinking, may require treatment before use in agriculture or industry, and can lead to adverse effects on ecosystems and recreational activities.

The first step towards water pollution control is to be able to monitor the actual level of water pollution. The problem with water pollution monitoring is the manual effort of taking a boat through a lake or reservoir each time to monitor pollution throughout the water body. So we here design a solution for easy water quality checking of vast water bodies with ease. This RC water pollution monitor boat allows for recording as well as transmitting water quality data to an SD card.
This project is remote-operated and controlled by an RC remote using which it can be maneuverer accordingly, a motorized propeller system to provide the forward propulsion and reverse propulsion. As per the commands received by the rc receiver the controller operates the DC motor which rotates the propeller through a flexible bearing and shaft. Now we have 2 direction control rudders attached to a servo motor used to steer the boat as per controller signals received.

In this proposed system we are using three sensors to determine water quality, we include PH sensors as well as turbidity sensor and a temperature sensor. These sensors will detect the presence of suspended particles in the water. We also have a GPS module and micro SD card, which will log the data from sensors as well as GPS locations .Thus the water quality monitoring rc boat can be used for water quality monitoring on lakes and reservoirs with ease.

We also have a GPS module and micro SD card, which will log the data from sensors as well as GPS locations as well as transmit the same online over IOT at particular intervals. This IOT system provides wi-fi hotspot to collect the information about the level of liquid for the users by viewing the data in webpage.

Additionally, machine learning techniques are used to store and analyze the collected data, enabling predictive insights and enhanced monitoring capabilities. The collected data is transmitted wirelessly to a central database where it is stored for further analysis. The machine learning models can make real-time predictions based on the incoming data. For example, predicting future pollution levels based on current trends. This technology empowers to effectively monitor water quality,by gathering data on contamination levels. By providing precise measurements, it serves as an early warning system for potential contamination incidents, prompting authorities to take immediate corrective actions.