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An avid Electronics Enthusiast with Interests in Neuroprosthetics, IoT and Embedded Systems currently pursuing Bachelors degree in Electronics Systems from IIT Madras.
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Real time Voice to Sign Language Translation and Interpretation tool for People with hearing disability to eliminate the need of sign language Interpreter and Translator
Maixduino Kit for AI+IoT

As we observe that individuals having problem of deafness (hearing disability) need a person who can help them and translate the natural language being spoken to the sign language and also interpret the sign langauge to natural language in order facilitate their communication with the outside world. My project is a novel idea to help people with such disability to overcome the need to have such translators and interpreters by building a device which can recieve the natural language and convert it to a sign langauge output via implementing SMPL (Skinned Multiperson Linear) model to generate realistic human like sign language output. Similarly to interpret the sign language of the disabled person and to translate it to the natural langauge (which "normal" people can understand), YOLO model built upon Convolutional Neural Networks will be deployed. This idea aims to significantly help overcome challenges faced by people with hearing disability in communicating with outside world. The idea will leverage the AI capabilities of SiPeed Maxduino AI development kit and if successful will be a breakthrough in aiding our breathen who are Divyang (divinely abled) but the realization of their true potential is impeded by their disability with hearing.