/* Program to create a game and gets its motion values serially from 3rd PORT Programed by B.Aswinth Raj Dated on : 21-08-2016 */ import processing.serial.*; Serial port; int data; int movby; float x=300; float y=00; float spdy=6; float spdx=0; float posxr,posxl,posyr,posyl,ballpos; int score = 0; float speed=0; float flag=0; float ballsize=20; float temp; void setup() { size(600,600,P2D); smooth(); port = new Serial(this,Serial.list()[2],9600); println(Serial.list()); } void draw() { if (port.available()>0 && port.available()<30) { data=port.read(); movby = int(map(float(data), 255,0,30,570)); println(movby); } if (flag==0) strtscrn(); if (flag==1) game(); if (flag==3) lastscrn(); fill(18,250,8); textSize(12); text("Created by asWINth raj", 245, 590); textSize(22); text("Score:",10,20); text(score, 80, 20); fill(0, 102, 153); } void strtscrn() {score=0; cursor(); background(255); //Color of the backgroud fill(18,250,8); textSize(52); text("WELCOME", 200,300); fill(18,250,80); textSize(32); text("Select your Level", 200,330); fill(180,250,8); textSize(22); text("1 2 3 4", 250,370); //println(mouseX, mouseY); if (mouseY > 340 && mouseY < 380) { cursor(HAND); if(mousePressed==true && flag==0) { if (mouseX >240 && mouseX <270) { speed=1; } if (mouseX >280 && mouseX <300) { speed=2; } if (mouseX >320 && mouseX <350) { speed=3; } if (mouseX >350 && mouseX <380) { speed=4; } flag=1; } } } void game() { noCursor(); background(0); //Color of the backgroud y=y+spdy; //speed and positon of ball in Y axis x=x+spdx; //speed and positon of ball in X axis rectMode(CENTER); fill(16,22,162); rect(movby,530,60,10); //The plate posxr=movby+40; posxl=movby-40; posyr=530+15; posyl=530-10; if (( (posyl < y) && (y < posyr) ) && ( (posxl < x) && (x < posxr) )) //Plate and ball meeting { spdy=-(speed*3); if (x<movby) //Pad left deflection { ballpos=movby-x; spdx=-(ballpos/5); // println(ballpos); } if (x>movby) //Pad right deflection { ballpos=x-movby; spdx=+(ballpos/5); //println(ballpos); } } if (x<=0 ) // Left margin deflection spdx=(speed*3); if (y<=0 ) // Top margin deflection { spdy=(speed*3); score=score+1; } if (x>=600) // Right margin deflection spdx=-(speed*3); if (y>=600) { background(250,0,0); x=300; y=0; flag=3; speed=1; } fill(88,250,68); ellipse(x,y,ballsize,20); //The ball if(score>=15 && score<=20) { ellipse(random(600),random(600),20,20); ellipse(random(600),random(600),20,20); ellipse(random(600),y,20,20); ellipse(x,random(600),20,20);///The ball } temp=x; } void lastscrn() { background(250,0,0); textSize(32); text("GAME OVER", 200,300); fill(18,250,80); textSize(22); text("Your Score:", 200,330); text(score, 320,330); fill(180,250,8); text("Click to try again..", 200,370); if(mousePressed == true) flag =0; }